
Moduline specializes in regenerating meals. We offer effective and efficient solutions for care institutions of all sizes, from small-scale living to large-scale (corporate) catering. Discover how our advanced systems for cooling and regenerating in one device can transform your care facility.

  • From Fresh or Frozen
  • From 2 - 2000 Covers
  • In the Department or from the Central Care Kitchen
  • Cooling & Regenerating in 1 Device

Our regeneration solutions

Coming soon:

The XXS Regeneration Oven

Specially designed for small-scale living

With only 55 cm width and 56 cm depth, this ultra-compact regeneration oven fits into standard kitchen furniture.

With an enhanced touchscreen and expanded temperature range (30°C - 210°C), the oven offers unprecedented versatility. Thanks to the innovative QR code reader and standard features such as Climachef, USB port, and core temperature sensor, you can effortlessly regenerate meals and bake rolls without the intervention of skilled personnel. Moreover, the oven is WI-FI connected for seamless integration into your digital kitchen environment. Optional water tray system available for easy water inlet and outlet. Contact us for pre-order!